Vision of PE at OSPA (Ormiston South Parade Academy)

Vision Statement

Ormiston South Parade Academy (OSPA) believes that physical education is an essential part of a child’s educational development. We recognise the importance of promoting and developing a healthy lifestyle and therefore aim to provide a high-quality, broad, rich and engaging curriculum through offering a variety of activities to enhance all skills.

We strive to inspire children to challenge themselves personally and academically through a cross-curricular delivery of physical education. Alongside lessons, we aim to provide opportunities for children across the school to participate in competitions and events, building their resilience and actively embedding our Core Values. There are also a wide variety of lunch time and after school sports clubs run by both staff and external coaches for the children to attend.

Positive and inclusive participation in physical education will enable children to build, self-esteem, team work, and positive attitudes in P.E. and across the curriculum. Subsequently, children develop a passion and love for sports both inside and outside of school. This should, in turn, build the foundations for children to have a healthy lifestyle and manage a balanced diet which is also explored in cross-curricular PSHE and Science lessons across the school.

The Delivery

At OSPA, our PE curriculum is varied and long-term plans ensure that we meet the requirements of the National Curriculum. All pupils receive at least two hours of high quality PE using the vast outside space or school hall.  All children have a weekly P.E. lesson either with their class teacher or with a qualified coach. During these sessions, children receive expert coaching to develop fundamental skills through a variety of activities and games suitable to their key stage.

Our PE curriculum is sequenced precisely to ensure progression of knowledge and skills throughout a child’s primary education, thus enabling children to build upon prior experiences and apply these fluently, with confidence. Children also have the opportunity to further these skills at after school sports clubs thus making club links within the community and development officers for specific sports. At OSPA we endeavour to provide a broad range of activities based on children’s interests and new initiatives.

Intra sports competitions have become more regular at our academy. We aim to hold at least 4 whole school competitions per annum. Although we enjoy the competitive nature of sport, we also appreciate and encourage the importance of children ‘having a go’ and promote positive experiences of being physically active and not always participate to win. We have an inclusive approach and value the importance of physical and mental well-being.

Children take part in a range of invasion, striking & fielding or net & wall games, we promote imagination and creativity in gymnastics and dance as well as provide opportunities for athletics using both indoor and outdoor environments plus outdoor and adventurous activities. Pupils are encouraged to take part in the range of after school clubs and these hit full capacity. In KS2, children attend a range of residential visits. Year 4 attend the Peak District, Year 5 attend the Lake District and the Year 6 pupils attend a 2-3 day stay, more commonly known as ‘PGL’. Children have swimming lessons during Year 4 for 2 days every week lasting for 5 weeks.

Physical Education is fundamental in developing healthy lifestyles in young people and at OSPA we provide an array of opportunities to develop this and sporting skills outside of the normal curriculum time. Regular extra-curricular clubs are very popular and offer a wide variety of sports, including: Gymnastics (KS1/KS2), Girls and Boys Football, Netball, Dance, Cricket, Rounders, Yoga and Archery.

Playtimes are an important part of our pupils being happy, healthy and ready to learn. We have well-staffed and large playgrounds, a large field and 2 balance/trim-trails for all ages. Furthermore, we have a newly installed gym zone with 6 active apparatus for the pupils to ‘workout’ on. We have skipping ropes accessible and an Outdoor Area specifically for the EYFS children.

To develop leadership and communication skills, children in Years 4, 5 and 6 can apply to become a Young Sports Ambassadors on the ‘Sports Committee’ which is a responsible role in encouraging younger children to learn how to play collaborative games, respecting rules and to be as active as possible during playtimes. Children selected are positive role-models for younger members of the school, they will organise lunchtime games and assisting with annual sports days.

At OSPA we recognise the importance of being physically active throughout the school day so to reduce sedentary learning. Throughout the day, classes have the option to log onto ‘5 a day Fitness’ and increase levels of activity. This is an ongoing and progressive area of our curriculum and we have a highly trained P.E. consultant that is supporting its continual development.

Our Approach to PE at OSPA


Through the teaching of P.E at Ormiston South Parade Academy we intend to:

  • Teach children how the human body responds to exercise and be able to describe how their own body feels.
  • Teach children about the importance of Healthy eating and Exercise. Furthermore, the positive impact this has upon our bodies.
  • Provide children with positive learning experiences in PE through imagination and creativity of lessons.
  • Provide children the opportunity to explore and develop their fundamental movement skills. Agility, balance and co-ordination.
  • Provide children with an understanding of how to be successful in range of physical activities through skill acquisition.
  • Encourage team work in a variety of different sporting situations.
  • Teach children the importance of exercise, both physically and mentally.
  • Develop personal progression and provide a platform to improve the quality of the performances.
  • Demonstrate correct ethical sporting behaviour for the children to inherit moving forward.



All Pupils will have one hour of PE with External PE coaches.

The recently opened trim trail allows children to be active during break and lunchtime as well and supporting core strength, balance and co-ordination skills.

As well as this, afterschool clubs run weekly with a variety of sports each term. Either delivered by staff at OSPA or external coaches. Costs for pupil premium children wanting to attend these external clubs are subsidised to increase participation.

Summer annual sports days for year KS1 also happen with enjoyment and participation the main focus behind the fun filled event.


All Pupils will have at least one hour of PE with External PE coaches.

The newly installed gym area provides pupils with the opportunity to exercise during break and lunchtimes. As well as this, afterschool clubs run weekly with a variety of sports each term. Either delivered by staff at OSPA or external coaches. Costs for pupil premium children wanting to attend these external clubs are subsidised to increase participation.

Annual summer sports days take place for KS2. Enjoyment and participation being the main focus however this has a competitive edge, which encompasses our team work, sportsmanship and sports etiquette values.

All pupils participate in daily Physical Activity as an intent to combat increasing levels of obesity in children (National Agenda).


Here at Ormiston South Parade Academy, we aim to inspire a generation through fun filled engaging PE lessons. Children will understand the importance of P.E and the positive effect it can have on their physical and mental wellbeing, therefore encouraging them to be responsible for their own health and fitness.  Students will leave OSPA with the sportsmanship values, skills and knowledge needed to be healthy successful individuals.

Pupil Voice

Year 1 Students – “I really enjoy PE as it gets my heart beating faster and makes me feel like I’m working really hard”

Year 2 Student – “I really enjoy PE at OSPA as we get to do different sports and find out what we are really good at”

Year 5 Student – “My PE lessons help me to practise skills that I can’t at home. It gives me a chance to exercise as my garden is too small”